AFRICA/BURUNDI - Shooting during the night in Bujumbura

Wednesday, 18 November 2015 area crisis   armed groups  

Bujumbura (Agenzia Fides) - Heavy fighting was heard last night in Bujumbura, also near the Seminary of the capital of Burundi. This was reported to Agenzia Fides by local sources who have requested anonymity for security reasons.
For days search operations conducted by police looking for hidden arms caches are being held. According to testimony gathered by civil society, members of the police are accompanied by young militiamen armed with knives, who ransack the homes of those suspected of belonging to the opposition.
The latest fighting broke out last night, 17 November, when some police stations were attacked in several central districts of Bujumbura. Intense gunfire, series of automatic weapons and explosions of grenades and rockets were heard. After a break of a few hours the fighting resumed during the night.
Meanwhile, the Church has announced a special Novena for peace in Burundi. (LM) (Agenzia Fides 18/11/2015)
