AMERICA/MEXICO - "Posadas" on the bridge of the border, with the Bishops and the authorities of both countries: a historical event

Wednesday, 16 December 2015 missionary animation   bishops   politics  

Ciudad Juarez (Agenzia Fides) - A meeting of the Bishops of El Paso (United States) and Ciudad Juarez (Mexico), and the Consuls General of Mexico and the United States, on the border line between the two countries, on the Santa Fe International Bridge was held yesterday and considered "a historic event" by the local press. Here they celebrated together "las posadas", that is to say a prayer and a time of celebration for children, typical of Latin American tradition in this Christmas season, to increase communion in the border region.
"It is a magical moment", said His Exc. Mgr. Mark Seitz, of the Diocese of El Paso, at the beginning of the meeting, after the blessing of the border where on February 17 Pope Francis will carry out his pastoral visit. "This is the best time of the year to talk about unity when the celebration of the birth of God approaches, not to speak of borders that divide us, but unite us, because even if there is a net that separates us , we are united in different ways", said Mgr. Seitz.
"It really is a very special moment", said Jacob Prado, Consul General of Mexico in El Paso. Daria Darnell, US Consul General in Ciudad Juarez, said: "To be here is an opportunity to highlight the good relations between the two countries. Although it is true that boundaries divide, in this case they unite us". "I have been working in the El Paso area for 20 years, and I had never been to a meeting of this kind", said Ruben Jauregui, director of US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 16/12/2015)
