AFRICA/KENYA - The Bishops: "The Pope’s visit invites us to reflect on the values of the nation"

Monday, 9 November 2015 evangelization   bishops  

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "The coming of the Holy Father gives us the opportunity to reflect on those values which are the cornerstone and foundation of our Nation, for which our ancestors struggled and sacrificed their lives", say the Bishops of Kenya in a statement sent to Agenzia Fides at the end of their Plenary Assembly.
"Let us reflect on the values of hard work and honesty, value of integrity and responsibility, national unity and respect for the rule of law", say the Bishops, who condemn the "festering wound" of corruption, the heightened looting from public coffers by those entrusted with public resources".
Another danger is violence in communities. It is also necessary, the Bishops continue "to restore the high standards of our education system, characterized by honesty and truth".
As for the visit that the Pope will carry out in Kenya from 25 to 27 November, the Bishops recall that "Pope Francis is coming to our Country as the Head of State of the Vatican and as the visible Head of the Catholic Church". "This is a good time for us to evaluate and define clearly in law the relationship between the Church and the State here in Kenya. Since each has its own respective role in the society, there is need to take into cognition the separate spheres and competences that each of them enjoys and to recognize, affirm and protect the complementary roles that the State and the Church have. The State has to respect the autonomy of the Church and at the same time give the necessary concessions to the Church in view of her missionary and charitable works".
"The Church on her part - continue the Bishops - conscious of her divine mission and mandate (...) commits herself to be faithful to the nature of her calling and to assume her prophetic task of being the moral conscience of the Nation". (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 09/11/2015)
