ASIA/HOLY LAND - The European Bishops: a "proper solution" is needed for the Cremisan case

Friday, 18 September 2015 area crisis  

Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) - The European Bishops hope that "the sensitive situation in the Cremisan might find an appropriate solution respectful of the rights of families, their properties and the two religious communities, as well as their educational mission". The hope around the issue of Palestinian lands expropriated in the area of Beit Jala for the construction of the separation wall, is contained in the final message of the Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE), which this year was held in the Holy Land from 11 to 16 September. The message also stresses the strike and other forms of mobilization undertaken by Christian schools in Israel against the discriminatory policies implemented against them by the Israeli government. In their message, the Bishops of Europe refer to the "fundamental rights of parents to educate their children according to their convictions. For this freedom to be possible - the text reads – it is necessary that Catholic schools are able to carry out their educative task on behalf of the whole society with every appropriate support. The European Bishops reaffirm this innate right in the Holy Land, too, and are supportive of the pastors and families concerned about the education of their own children". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 18/09/2015)
