ASIA/SYRIA - The Marists in Aleppo: there is a risk of getting used to horror

Friday, 18 September 2015 terrorism  

Aleppo devastata

Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - "The reason why we do not write to you on a regular basis from Aleppo, although you continue to ask news about us, is because we think that the repetition of the denunciation of the crimes committed and the suffering of Syrians risks becoming insignificant". This is how the last "letter from Aleppo" by Dr. Nabil Antaki, lay member of the community of Marist of Aleppo and director of one of the last two city hospitals functioning, begins, who usually spreads news and considerations on what is happening in the martyred Syrian city through periodic letters sent to friends, acquaintances and communication operators.
"We are afraid that, by constantly reading the atrocities being committed in Syria" continues Antaki "there is a risk of getting used to horror". In the letter, also sent to Agenzia Fides, the Marist Brother, on behalf of the whole community, traces some examples of this risk: "the throats of humans are slit. You complained a year ago when they slaughtered some Westerners. Unfortunately they were not the first! Hundreds of Syrians had already been victims of this barbarity. Many others suffered the same fate; the last in order of time was the archaeological director of the area of Palmyra, an 82-year-old scientist, but there were few protests".
Syria, martyred by "criminal gangs" - continues the Marist Brother -, "is emptied of its people, especially Christians. They have become the 'refugees' that give you so much trouble. You would do well to listen to them and talk about their suffering and the dangers they face to move to Europe illegally. They must remain home, some would say! But at home there is hell, there is chaos, there is death. They are not migrants, as you like to call them, they are refugees; and then, if refugees bother you so much, next time, before you start a war at home, think twice". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 18/09/2015)
