AFRICA/KENYA - Bishops' new appeal: "Let us join together as a nation on the occasion of Pope Francis' arrival"

Tuesday, 3 November 2015 evangelization   bishops  

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "We continue to urge Kenyans to seek peace and tolerance in difficult times". With these words, the Episcopal Conference of Kenya launches a new appeal so that Pope Francis' visit will help to unify the Country, in a message signed by Mgr. Alfred Rotich, President of the Secretariat. Previously some individual Bishops had already taken similar positions (see Fides 26/10/2015).
"Our Nation is facing great trials that threaten to tear it apart", said the message sent to Agenzia Fides. The Bishops in particular complain about the recent political name calling, ethnic incitement lack the good taste on expected decorum by our leaders".
"Our country and the people of Kenya - continues the message - already have to contend with many afflictions such as the escalating economic challenges of modern day living, and cannot contend with disunity at the leadership level. It only serves to further compound our problems and we must work together to seek solutions. We call on all leaders to lead".
"As the Holy father visits our great nation, let us join together and humbly seek redemption together and set an example for generations to come: by always seeking God first in times of challenges and also in times of prosperity", concludes the appeal.
As for the preparations of the visit, every catholic parish in Kenya is requested to send 3 buses of pilgrims for the main mass on November 26th. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 03/11/2015)
