AFRICA/KENYA - “The Bishops are certain the visit of Pope Francis will reinforce national unity

Monday, 26 October 2015 evangelization  

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) – The Visit of Pope Francis will help reinforce national unity, endangered by terrorist attacks, corruption and political policies which aim to divide in order to exploit the ethnic element, Kenya’s Catholic Bishops are confident as they issue calls and instructions to the faithful in preparation for the visit Pope Francis is due to make to that country, 25 to 27 November.
Philip Anyolo, Bishop of Homa Bay and President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Kenya, has encouraged Kenyans to welcome the Papal visit as a gift from God, to prepare to receive the grace which the Vicar of Christ will bring with him.
Coordinator of the committee charged with preparations for Pope Francis’ visit, Dr Stephen Okello, has announced that the Holy Father will have interreligious meetings with Kenyan Muslims and Hindus and followers of traditional African religions, and with leading members of the principal Christian confessions, to reduce radicalisation and increase instead the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect.
In particular, said Dr Okello, the Pope will meet victims of forced recruitment in armed groups, like Shabaab “encouraging them to channel their energy and enthusiasm in the right direction”.
Another important event during the visit by Pope Francis will be a meeting with those people who live in the slums of Nairobi, where he will renew his call “the poor cannot be abandoned or ignored”, and “it is wrong to put into practice policies which are to their detriment”. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 26/10/2015)
