ASIA/SYRIA - Other 25 Christian hostages of the Khabur valley have been released by jihadists

Thursday, 10 December 2015 persecutions  

Hassakè (Agenzia Fides) - On Wednesday, December 9 the jihadists affiliated to the self-styled Islamic State (Daesh) released other 25 Assyrian Christians, who were part of the large group of hostages kidnapped by them on 23 February, when the jihadi militias had unleashed an offensive against the predominantly Christian Assyrian villages scattered along the valley of the river Khabur, in the northeastern Syrian province of Hassake. According to reports from local sources, and re-launched by the Assyrian International News Agengy (Aina), the group of hostages freed includes men, boys and two children under ten years of age, who after their release reached the town of Tel Tamar.
More than 250 Assyrian Christians of the valley of Khabur were taken hostage by jihadists in February. Since then several groups of prisoners have been released. Last time, on November 24, 10 Assyrian Christians from Khabur were released by Daesh. At the moment, there are roughly 130 hostages of that group who still remain in the hands of the jihadists of the Islamic State. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 10/12/2015)
