AMERICA/MEXICO - The missing are "legally declared dead": the Bishop say the authorities want to close the investigation

Monday, 14 December 2015 bishops   violence   politics  

Tamaulipas (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishop of Ciudad Victoria, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, His Exc. Mgr. Antonio González Sánchez, denounced that it is clear to everyone that the judicial authorities intend to close the investigation of hundreds of people missing as a result of violence and insecurity in Tamaulipas. This is what Mgr. González Sánchez said after speaking about the intention of the Attorney General of the State (PGJE) to initiate proceedings to declare more than 390 people "legally dead", who according to this office, are recorded as missing, so that their families can have their property legally.
"For me this is all a bit strange - said the Bishop according to the note sent to Fides. If they think this is the best solution for everyone, I have no problem, but I do not agree that it is a good thing for everyone. For example, Father Carlos Ornelas has been missing for the past two years and there is no inheritance. ... until there is no real evidence that he is dead, the family will continue to hope that he is alive, and I do not think that the family can accept that he is dead".
Mgr. González Sánchez added that the prosecutor’s attitude is not clear: "from what I can understand, the meaning of this legal provision is that these people will not go to look for them anymore, because they are legally dead".
The Bishop spoke before a crowd of faithful, at the end of the ceremony for the opening of the year of Mercy in his diocese, which was held yesterday, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 14/12/2015)
