ASIA/MYANMAR - Cardinal Bo: "Voting is a pilgrimage of hope"

Thursday, 5 November 2015 democracy   elections  

Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - While we are experiencing "a crucial moment in the history of Myanmar", in the last days before the vote "there is the need to remain vigilant. We hope that these elections are carried out in a transparent manner to ensure a free and fair vote also for the poor and marginalized" said Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon in a statement sent to Agenzia Fides, in view of the general elections to be held on 8 November.

We are talking about, "the first free elections: 93 parties, 5,800 candidates of political parties, 3,000 independent candidates. Research for democracy in Myanmar today is vital" highlights Bo.

The Cardinal appreciates "the leaders and their vision of democracy". "To avoid electoral violence is a difficult challenge and I am glad that our laws and authorities are up to the challenge", he remarks. Defining the Electoral Commission's courage "commendable" and "will address the work with professional neutrality", Cardinal Bo recalls that "people want peaceful elections" and that "the right to vote is sacred". "Through this right people determine their future. To go to the voting booth is a pilgrimage of hope. We all undertake this pilgrimage. Our destiny is in the polls. Democracy for the people, by the people and of the people forged the history of great nations. Myanmar was waiting for this moment for centuries, "he notes.

"Today is our date with that destiny. The polls will determine our future. God has blessed this nation with immense treasures. But the most important treasure is the brotherhood of man, a rainbow nation of 135 tribes and major religions. We need peace now", notes the Cardinal.

The text sent to Fides concludes expressing the hope that the vote "will bring peace and prosperity to this nation" and that Myanamar "returns to its historic splendor." (PA) (Agenzia Fide 05/11/2015)
