ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - Beyond the peripheries, in search of the "run-away teenagers"

Monday, 23 November 2015 youth   poverty   local churches  

Suwon (Agenzia Fides) - "Today the expression 'peripheries' is back in fashion. For us of Casa di Anna - a center for homeless people that offers 550 meals a day, it is time to go beyond the peripheries, in 'no man's land' to search for the so-called 'run-away teenagers', adolescents abandoned by their families and the State, who run away from everyone and everything. For these young people we have started a network of solidarity that welcomes them, supports them and brings them back in the family context and society. But it is not enough. Today we want to go and search them". This is the testimony entrusted to Agenzia Fides by Fr. Vincenzo Bordo, OMI, who 23 years ago founded "Casa di Anna" in the city of Suwon, a reception center that assists elderly people living alone, abandoned children, homeless men, unemployed people.
As reported by the missionary, "according to official statistics there are about 2,000 children in Suwon who leave school and family every year. Only few go to reception centers. Others are likely to dramatically destroy their young lives with alcohol, prostitution, theft, violence, imprisonment".
"Discovering this dramatic reality - continues Fr. Bordo - we have decided to go and find them: thus the Agit Movement was born. From 7pm to 2am in the morning we go to the streets in the desperate search for these teenagers. We are many, but all animated by passion and love for these young people".
When a teenager accepts to follow the volunteers, he/she is brought to 'Casa Rossa', the first center for those who come from the street. With specialized personnel, the teenagers have talks, meetings, therapies, counseling. "The goal is to reintegrate them back into their family. When this is not possible - says the missionary - because the family situation has deteriorated beyond any possible reconciliation and dialogue, teenagers are welcomed in 'Casa gialla', while the little ones are followed until the completion of their schooling. Finally others, who can neither return to their parents, nor wish to go to school, are included into the working world. Every year about 200 children are part of our recovery program".
Fr. Bordo concludes: "In this bleak and brutal no man's land, where there seems that there is no space even for God, because populated by violent fights, sexual exploitation of children, drunkenness, abuse, I met God’s new face. A God who says to me, 'Take your shoes off because this is a holy place'. This is a holy place because young people, God’s children, are here and he is here with them. He never leaves them. This is why I have decided to leave the 'peripheries' and be next to these teenagers". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/11/2015)
