AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Drugs, a national tragedy: Bishops’ statement on the necessity to intervene

Wednesday, 2 December 2015 area crisis   human rights   politics   poverty  

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Argentina (CEA) has issued a statement with the title "No to drug trafficking, Yes to fullness of life", in which they say that drug addiction and trafficking is " a national tragedy" and warn against "globalisation of indifference which generates an individualistic culture based on consumerism, and this provides a favourable situation for the expansion of the drug-trafficking network".
In the CEA statement received by Fides, the Bishop affirm: "In many parts of the country situations of institutional powerlessness demand responsibility on the part of those in government and all legislators and members of the judiciary : there is need of special and explicit state policies to work concretely and continually to eliminate both the big drug traffickers and the little drug peddlers ".
The Bishops’ statement issues another warning "drug-trafficking is establishing its own law which slowly but surely is devouring the rule of law, as conflict is solved not in the law-courts but with the law of violence and the strongest man wins ". This is causing the scourge to grow: “An increasing number of people produce at home a ‘parcel’ or some other dangerous ‘mix’ to sell using their children or nephews”.
The Bishops encourage those judges who "risk their lives and the lives of their families in order to carry out their mission".
The statement had already been written and approved by the 110th CEA Plenary Assembly, held 8 to 13 November, but its publication was postponed until after the national elections.
(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 02/12/2015)
