ASIASIA/SYRIA - Pax Christi: need to put an end to the support to jihadist groups

Tuesday, 17 November 2015 geopolitics  


Vienna (Agenzia Fides) - The new round of international talks to seek a solution to the Syrian conflict, which began in Vienna soon after the terrorist massacres in Beirut and Paris, seems to have started a political process under UN auspices, which in order to achieve concrete results will be forced to engage as many parties involved in negotiations if the international community wants to avoid witnessing a new, devastating failure. This is the widespread appeal of Pax Christi International. Seventeen countries, the UN, the EU and Arab League participated in the meeting in Vienna. "In order to have success - said the statement sent to Agenzia Fides - all stakeholders must be at the negotiating table" because only with the commitment of the different actors involved in the conflict one can really hope to put an end to the military escalation and to find a negotiated political solution. "Pax Christi International" continues the text "is convinced that military action cannot bring peace to Syria", and priority must be to "protect all civilians" in the various areas of control, from those most vulnerable, avoiding to perpetuate sieges or bombarding residential areas. Moreover, according to Pax Christi, "foreign Countries should not be involved in military operations on Syrian territory", always counterproductive, and above all we must put an end to outside support to jihadist groups of the Islamic State and other extremist groups. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 17/11/2015)
