ASIA/LEBANON - The President of Caritas Lebanon after the bombing in Beirut: our country is at risk

Friday, 13 November 2015 terrorism  


Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The attack yesterday in the district of Beirut controlled by the Shiite of Hezbollah "tragically confirms the threat of destabilization that hangs over Lebanon. If the war continues in Syria, it is inevitable that our country risks being sucked into the vortex". This is how Maronite priest Paul Karam, President of Caritas Lebanon, comments the massacre at the mall in Beirut claimed by the jihadists of Islamic State (Daesh). "The consequences of the war in Syria - says the Lebanese priest to Agenzia Fides - inevitably fall upon us. The highest number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, who we as Caritas try to help, inevitably creates problems for everyone's safety. In such a multitude of desperate people, it is not difficult to imagine that there may be even some of those who have been brainwashed, and are ready to blow themselves up in suicide attacks, causing innocent victims. And in this tragic situation - adds Fr. Karam – the institutional paralysis in Lebanon makes the country even more fragile. The international community and the regional powers that have created this unrest, must stop the conflict in Syria if they really want to prevent all the countries in the area of being infected and destabilized by this crazy war".
The suicide bombing, carried out by two suicide bombers who blew themselves up in a very crowded area, is the most serious act of violence which took place in Lebanon in the past eight years, claiming the lives of at least 43 and 239 wounded. The Lebanese press highlights the response of national unity before the massacre, but there are those who recognize that Lebanon risks becoming a "land of jihad". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 13/11/2015)
