Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) - "We have to say without fear that we need and want a change. We must have hope of real change", reads the final text of the Plenary Assembly of Bishops of Bolivia, held from 5-10 November in Cochabamba (see Fides 06/11/2015). The Bishops cite Pope Francis’ exhortation to the popular movements to encourage the Bolivian community in their future ecclesial commitments, and highlighted to the Bolivian government the tense situation that different institutions live following the regulations imposed and the crisis society faces". We live in a time characterized by the exaltation of ideologies that do not see the reality of the needy or do not hear their voice - the Bishops write -. Many are afraid of expressing an opinion which is different from the dominant ideological thinking that we want to impose at all costs, intimidating and discrediting those who think differently".
The text stresses that "violence, resulting from the lack of values, generates insecurity and increases in our cities, scaring our people and harming the most vulnerable. Drug trafficking and addiction are gaining ground in the country, while the people suffer the consequences, especially the marginalized; political and judicial impunity protects and supports this situation. Therefore if we recognize this, we say without fear: we need and want a change' (from Pope Francis’ speech to the popular movements). "Many institutions and social works of the Church in Bolivia are in a very serious economic situation. The Bishops stated: "it is difficult to carry out works of human promotion and social welfare in the country". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/11/2015)