AMERICA/BRAZIL - Two more religious missionary nuns sent to Haiti: they will help children, youth and families

Friday, 13 November 2015 missionary animation   area crisis   orders  

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - The inter-congregational religious community in Haiti will receive two Brazilian missionaries: Sister Zenaide Laurentina Mayer, of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph, and Sister Vanderleia Correa de Melo, of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King. Since the earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010, the Conference of Religious of Brazil took the initiative to send missionaries to this Caribbean country to help the local people (see Fides 02/12/2014).
"People's lives makes sense only when you give yourself to great causes, and this mission is one of them", said Sister Vanderleia, seventeen years of religious life, six of which spent working in pastoral settlements, farms (fazendas) and in the pastoral care of the children in the city of Cocalinho. She has a degree in fine arts and education, in March 2016 Sister Vanderleia will have the responsibility for projects related to children, youth, education and literacy.
Sister Zenaide, a degree in psychology, educational psychology and theology, works as a psychologist in social projects, helping families, adults, youth, children with learning difficulties in the relational sphere. "I have always worked in this area with the poor", said Sister Zenaide, who has been in Haiti since October 27. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/11/2015)
