AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Meeting of the Pan-Amazonian Network: necessity to listen to indigenous peoples to protect creation

Thursday, 12 November 2015 environment   indigenous   bishops   local churches  

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The Pan-Amazonian ecclesial network - REPAM will meet in Bogota from November 16 to 18 with representatives of the various ecclesial organizations and partners from 9 countries that are part of the Pan Amazonian. The aim is to reflect on the Encyclical Laudato Sì and discuss the situation of the indigenous peoples in the area, about human rights and the pastoral care.
According to a note sent to Fides by the organizers, one of the fundamental aspects of this meeting is to listen to the cries and hopes of some indigenous peoples.
"The biggest expectation is certainly the building of a strong network, embodied in a reality that has many challenges, but also has a lot to teach to protect the present and future creation", said the note. The meeting will have to define the most effective strategies to continue to strengthen the network as a service and as an active part of CELAM. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 12/11/2015)
