AMERICA/MEXICO - Minors not allowed to work in the sugarcane fields

Thursday, 12 November 2015 child labor  

Municipalidad de Talcahuano

Chetumal (Agenzia Fides) - The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (STPS) will not tolerate any child under 18 years of age to be employed in the harvesting of sugarcane for 2015-2016. In a statement to the local press, sent to Fides, the delegate of the Ministry highlighted that despite the constitutional working age in the state is 15, there is a restriction for all children under 18 who cannot work in dangerous places for their physical safety, for example in sugarcane fields. Many parents seek help from their children in this type of activity. The objective of the Ministry is to respect health, the integrity of children and their childhood. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 12/11/2015)
