AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The Bishops call for elections: "Free vote, essential to strengthen democracy"

Wednesday, 11 November 2015 elections   politics   bishops  

Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - The Venezuelan Bishops' Conference (CEV) has called for the legislative elections, scheduled for December 6, to be held in a "peaceful manner, with great freedom and with the widest possible participation", stressing that "attacks and insults" should be excluded from the electoral process.
According to information sent to Fides, during a press conference in Caracas yesterday, November 10, His Exc. Mgr. Cástor Oswaldo Azuaje Pérez, O.C.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Trujillo said: "We ask the deputies elected to act with freedom of conscience, seeking the good of their regions and the nation, not just the political parties that support them".
The Venezuelan Episcopate, through a statement that was read by Mgr. Azuaje, called the elections "crucial" for the country's political future, which for 16 years has been led by the Socialists. "The results should contribute to promoting the democratic balance well above individual interests. We invite all believers to raise our prayers to God, the Lord of history, for the success of the electoral process and social peace in Venezuela" concluded Mgr. Azuaje.
About 20 million Venezuelans registered to vote are called to the polls on Sunday, December 6 to renew the 167 members of the National Assembly (AN), which is currently presided by Diosdado Cabello, first Vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 11/11/2015)
