Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "According to the Special Programme for migration 2014 to 2018, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on April 30, 2014, the primary purpose of the ideals of migration policy is the 'welfare of migrants, through the effective exercise of their identity, the enjoyment of their social, economic and cultural rights'; however, Mexico is the place where migrants suffer, are attacked, die. The country becomes a battlefield fertilized by petty and inhuman interests that exploit these situations of vulnerability regarding men, women and children, arousing indignation and revealing official policies as hypocritical, false and ineffective": this is what is written in the editorial of the latest issue of "Desde la Fe", the magazine of the Archdiocese of Mexico, sent to Agenzia Fides.
With the title "Humanitarian crisis of migrants", the Catholic Church of the Mexican capital denounces once again the plight of the many groups of Central Americans who cross the country to reach the United States. Although the media are focused on the upcoming visit of the Holy Father in Mexico, the diocesan weekly points out that the Pope will visit the Mexican reality.
"In 2014 the crimes committed against migrants increased - says the editorial -. Kidnappings have increased by 800%. In 2013, according to the National Commission for Human Rights, about 11,000 people were deprived of their freedom by denouncing violence against their integrity and security. A report by the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights this year found the existence of multiple cases of kidnapping of migrants, forced labor, disappearances and victims of violence and sexual exploitation on behalf of organizations protected by the police and agents of the National Institute of Migration involved in crimes and human rights violations. The report also highlights that the situation of migrants represents 'one of the major humanitarian tragedies and massive violations of human rights in the region'."
The text concludes with a reflection: "Mexico should support a strong, decisive and courageous policy against the dictates of other powers that have abused migrants ... The call of the Church to put an end to this shame of destructive and ineffective policies is urgent, calling for solidarity in defense of migrants identified as those who are not like us".(CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/11/2015)
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