AMERICA/PERU - More than 3,000 participants at the III National Missionary Congress: to relaunch the missionary parish

Tuesday, 10 November 2015 pontifical mission societies   missionary animation   evangelization  

Trujillo (Agenzia Fides) - With the desire to continue the missionary renewal of the local churches in Peru, the Archdiocese of Trujillo, the Episcopal Commission for Missions and the National Directorate of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) celebrated the Third National Missionary Congress from Thursday 5 to Sunday, November 8, at the sports hall of the Claretian school in Trujillo, with the slogan "Jesus, light and salvation, calls you to become missionary disciples of his mercy".
Talks were given by distinguished guests: His Exc. Mgr. Anton Zerdin, Apostolic Vicar of San Ramon; Father John Lydon (Canada), Father Jose Luis Villacorta (Spain) and Father Francisco Javier Ramos Fausto (Mexico) on topics related to the 50th anniversary of the Ad Gentes Decree and the next American Missionary Congress (CAM 5) to be held in Bolivia recalling the Comla IV that 25 years ago was celebrated in Lima.
The Congress, which brought together more than 3,000 participants, wanted to expressly relaunch "the missionary parish" to continue "efforts of pastoral renewal in parishes, to foster the encounter with the living Christ, through several new methods of evangelization, becoming a community of missionary communities".
The Third National Missionary Congress ended with a Mass, presided by His Exc. Mgr. Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte Hector, OFM., Archbishop of Trujillo. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/11/2015)
