ASIA/SYRIA - The jihadist Islamic State release 37 other Assyrian hostages of the valley of Khabur

Saturday, 7 November 2015 area crisis  

Hassaké (Agenzia Fides) - At least 37 Assyrian Christians were released today by the militia of the Islamic State, after having been held hostage since last February 23, when the jihadists had captured them during the offensive launched by them against 35 Assyrian villages scattered along the valley of the Khabur River, in the northeastern Syrian province of Hassake. According to reports by Assyrian Information News Agency, a few hours ago 27 women and 10 men were released and have reached the city of Tel Tamar.
More than 250 Assyrian Christians of the valley of Khabur had been taken hostage by jihadists in February. At the moment, at least 168 hostages are still in the hands of the jihadists of the Islamic State. In early October, a video of the execution of three Assyrian Christians in the valley of the Khabur (see Fides 08/10/2015) was released on jihadist websites. The footage, filmed according to the gruesome rituals, followed in other similar cases by jihadist propaganda, warned that the executions of other hostages would continue until the sum demanded as ransom for their release was paid. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 07/11/2015)
