AFRICA/EGYPT - Historical Coptic monasteries damaged by floods

Saturday, 7 November 2015 natural catastrophe  

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - Floods caused by heavy rains in recent days that hit the region of Wadi al-Natrun have caused heavy damage in the four historic Coptic monasteries of Anba Bishoy, Al Suryan, Al Baramos and St. Macarius the Great, whose first settlements date back to the fourth century after Christ. Father Boulos Halim, spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, reported that the floods have caused casualties among the monks, as well as the collapse of roofs and walls, while in the monastery of Al Baramos the torrential rains have flooded the sanctuary containing the relics of St. Moses the Ethiopian, who in the fourth century was a famous bandit, and then became a hermit, bringing with him many members of his gang of criminals in the monastery.
According to preliminary valuation, the damage of the parts that can be restored amount to several million dollars.
International Coptic organizations like the Coptic World's Global Tithing Platform have already organized fundraisers destined for restoration, especially aimed at the members of the emigrant Egyptian communities scattered all over the world. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 07/11/2015)
