ASIA/INDIA - Depression, mental and emotional disorders for orphans, victims of armed conflict

Tuesday, 10 November 2015 violence  

Liv Unni Sødem

Siringar (Agenzia Fides) - The armed uprising which broke out in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1989 continues to have devastating consequences in the daily life of the local people. The massive presence of the army fomented a bloody war with serious consequences. The situation is particularly difficult for children who are emotionally vulnerable. The loss of a parent submits them to serious psychological disorders that often lead to criminal tendencies, school dropout, lack of proper medical care, child labor and drug abuse. We are talking about 40/100 thousand people killed and an increasing number of orphaned children. In 2014 there were about 215,000, 15% of whom live in orphanages. 37% had lost one or both parents because of the conflict, 55% for natural causes of death and the remaining 8% for other reasons. A study carried out by the International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (Ijepr) revealed that more than 26% of orphans show a very high degree of depression, and 46%, an average degree. Moreover, according to a research of the department of Education, of the University of Kashmir, 57.3% of orphans in the region are afraid, 54.25 cannot sleep. In addition to emotional and psychological disorders, these young victims have serious economic difficulties, and remain deprived of affection and any kind of support. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 10/11/2015)
