AMERICA/PERU - The program for the beatification of three priests killed in 1991 by the Shining Path presented to Parliament

Saturday, 7 November 2015 evangelization   missionary animation   martyrs  

Lima (Agenzia Fides) - The official program of the beatification ceremony of priests Michael Tomaszek, Zbigniew Strzalkowski and Alessandro Dordi, killed in 1991 in Pariacoto (north of Lima) by the Sendero Luminoso terrorist group (See Fides 07/10/2015) was presented to the Congress of the Republic of Peru.

The presentation took place in the "Alberto Andrade" room, where a delegation from the Diocese of Chimbote and representatives of other organizations, provided details of the beatification ceremony, scheduled for December 5.

Father Juan Roger Rodriguez, president of the Committee for the beatification, explained that the three priests will be beatified as martyrs in odium fidei. "The terrorists", said the priest "wanted to destroy them forever, but for the Church today they are martyrs of faith and witness of hope".

The presentation held at the headquarters of the Peruvian parliament was also attended by His Exc. Mgr. Luis Bambarén Gastelumendi, Bishop Emeritus of Chimbote, who recalled the difficult times of terrorism and the firmness of the priests killed in hatred of faith. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 07/11/2015)
