AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE - On Saturday, November 7, 2015: the Country will be declared "Ebola free"

Friday, 6 November 2015 healthcare  

Medici con l'Africa Cuamm

Freetown (Agenzia Fides) - On Saturday, November 7 after 1 year and 5 months, Sierra Leone will be declared Ebola free, considered the largest epidemic in history: 14,061 cases registered and 3,955 deaths in the Country. "In a few hours, the Country will be declared Ebola free. For 42 days, no further cases have been reported", informs Doctors with Africa Cuamm (CUAMM). "Most of the treatment centers - said the projects manager of Cuamm in Sierra Leone in a statement sent to Agenzia Fides - are expected to close during the month of November. Two facilities will remain, one in the east and one in the capital Freetown, ready to cope with a possible new outbreak, and there will be a 90-day period of heightened surveillance. It must be said that a future return of the virus is more than a possibility".
The challenge for Cuamm now is to rebuild a destroyed health system and give people confidence in the health staff and structures. "It has not been easy - explains Don Dante Carraro, director of Cuamm - but in Pujehun, a health district with one doctor for 350,000 local inhabitants, thanks to our team, there were only 51 cases of Ebola. It was the first district to be declared 'Ebola free'.
Here mothers continued to receive assistance during childbirth and children were treated for malaria or pneumonia. The important thing now is to look ahead". In total, according to data from WHO, to 25-10-2015, 28,575 people were infected and 11,313 died in the affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 06/11/2015)
