ASIA/IRAQ - Even Christians demonstrate in Erbil against the law on the Islamization of minors

Thursday, 5 November 2015 minors

Erbil (Agenzia Fides) – On Wednesday, November 4 hundreds of people belonging to the non-Islamic components of Iraqi society demonstrated in front of UN representatives in Erbil to protest against the law that allows the automatic change of children to the Islamic religion when one of the parents convert to Islam. The demonstration saw the participation of various political and civil society organizations and groups of Christians, Yazidis, and Sabean Mandaeans.
A delegation of protesters, as reported by the Iraqi website, was received by UN officials, to whom a memorandum was handed over in which the unconstitutionality of the law in question is documented. The UN officials, on their behalf, assured that they will put pressure on the Iraqi parliament to obtain a change in the law.
On October 27 (see Fides 28/10/2015), the Iraqi parliament rejected by a large majority the proposal to amend the law advanced by Christian representatives, but supported by parliamentarians belonging to different factions. In this proposal they were asked to add a sentence in the section of law regarding children, to establish that in the event a parent converts to Islam, children remain in the original religion of belonging until they reach eighteen years of age, and then choose the religion they want in freedom of conscience. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 05/11/2015)
