ASIA/HOLY LAND - The Catholic Bishops: more confessors in the Shrines for the Holy Year of Mercy

Thursday, 5 November 2015 year of mercy  

Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) - The pilgrims who come to Holy Land during the upcoming Year of the Holy Mercy will have better access to the sacrament of confession in churches and shrines scattered in the land where Jesus lived. This is the most significant measure announced by the heads of the Catholic Churches of the Holy Land. The intent was explicitly announced by the Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, who met in assembly at the headquarters of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem from November 3 to 5. "To live better this year of mercy", says the final communiqué of the assembly, sent to Fides, "it is recommended that the celebration of the sacrament of penance is incorporated in the programs for pilgrims. Our Committee for pilgrimages will make the sacrament of confession more accessible in the various shrines".
At the conclusion of the assembly, the Catholic Bishops of the Holy Land also renewed the appeal to all those who want to follow Christ’s footsteps not be intimidated by the chaos which also shakes the Middle East: "The people of this land needs your witness".
During the works, the Catholic Bishops of the Holy Land also analyzed the valuable work done by Caritas Jerusalem in favor of those who live different forms of social and humanitarian emergency, with particular attention given to projects implemented in the Gaza Strip. In this regard, the Catholic Bishops also asked to establish "a local committee to take charge of the poor" in every parish, in coordination with Caritas Jerusalem. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 05/11/2015)
