AMERICA/ARGENTINA - National Day of the Sick, an opportunity aimed to arouse greater sensitivity

Tuesday, 3 November 2015 evangelization   healthcare   development  

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - The Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Health of Argentina has already disseminated the material prepared to celebrate the National Day of the Sick to be held on November 8, the second Sunday of the month. The note sent to Fides by the CEA (Episcopal Conference of Argentina) highlights that with the slogan "Wholeheartedly, love the sick", the Bishops recalled in the letter of invitation that "the Holy Father asks us to live this year in view of the sapientia cordis, the wisdom of the heart".
The celebration of this day aims to arouse greater sensitivity in the population, after many incidents of poverty and promiscuity occurred, which resulted in casualties, especially among children and teenagers.
According to the latest report released by the Ministry of Health of Argentina, in the Country one person dies every 10 hours for problems due to malnutrition. Following the recent death of a child in the province of Chaco due to malnutrition (see Fides 14/09/2015), the Center of Studies and Social Research Mandela added that there are other similar cases, due to the malfunctioning of the socio public health system in the province. The report highlights that despite the fact that Argentina is a Country with great potential for food production in the world, people of all ages die, although the percentage is higher in people over 75 years of age, which corresponds to 70% of deaths. Young people account for 8% (see Fides 15/09/2015).
The Church, with its social and health services, assists the marginalized and a huge amount of people who suffer across the country. In the province of Jujuy alone more than 30,000 children are in the hundreds of canteens run by the Church, the State and various NGOs. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 03/11/2015)
