ASIA/LEBANON - Institutionalising non-violence and human rights: lessons in peace building in war zones.

Monday, 26 October 2015 human rights   peace  

Meg Chang

Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) Educate in human rights and non-violence and offer the key to knowing how to mediate in a conflict in the affected area, is the goal which the Academy University of Non Violence and Human Rights in Aleppo set itself in 2009. Only last year however did the Lebanese government officially recognise the College approving a university title for its graduates. The College has 130 Arab students who have completed their studies in peace-building in this war torn area. The initiative’s promoters realise the initiative is something new and quite unprecedented in the world, with the goal that a society cannot be protected unless it adopts the concepts of nonviolence and human rights into its own cultural tradition. Lebanon is living a time of transition between war and peace and, in order to achieve social change, it is more than ever necessary to provide the population with knowledge and competence, say local sources. Moreover, the Centre was also opened to train teachers, members of associations, political militants, judges and lawyers to ensure that should war occur, not only justice but also mediation is exercised. (AP) (26/10/2015 Agenzia Fides)
