AMERICA/ARGENTINA - “We are all responsible, no one can feel exempt": presidential elections Sunday

Friday, 23 October 2015 elections   bishops   politics  

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – "The act of voting must be a truly civic celebration in the framework of the Constitution and must be guaranteed by the government, political parties and citizens. Everyone has a role and a responsibility, which build together the good of the Republic" said a statement issued by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Argentina (CEA) in view of presidential elections on 25 October.
As early as March of this year CEA asked that a change of government should mean not a crisis but a " normal alternative" in democratic life. In this month of October (see Fides 6/10/2015) the Bishops called for every effort to guarantee transparency in the election and avoid action which could cause "diffidence and division among Argentinians".
The Bishops have followed the country’s political situation closely, always advising the people to be aware of the social and political reality, in order to vote as citizens conscious of the future of the nation (see Fides 14/02/2015). For this reason the last Assembly of the Bishops (see Fides 20/04/2015) gave special attention to the study of the political situation. In Argentina the vote is universal, secret and compulsory for citizens aged between 18 and 70 years. There are some 30 million eligible voters, including many under 20. Another significant factor is the quantity of voters in the outskirts of Buenos Aires higher than in many provincial capitals.
(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 23/10/2015)
