AMERICA/MEXICO - Disappeared persons, neglected migrants and overcrowded prison inmates: ‘hot areas’ for violation of human rights

Friday, 23 October 2015 human rights  

Diego Martin

Xalapa (Agenzia Fides) – The most serious areas for violation of human rights in Mexico, registered as ‘hot areas’ include disappearance of persons, migrant neglect and overcrowded prisons. The subject emerged during an international congress Human Rights in the New System of Penal Justice, organised by a private school in Xalapa, capital of Mexico’s Veracruz state. According to the Institute of Legal Research at Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM), the question of overcrowded prisons has been cancelled from media agenda, public and political, while prisoners and their families continue to suffer violation of human dignity and extortion even by the authorities. (AP) (23/10/2015 Agenzia Fides)
