AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - The PMS invite to "put an end to hostility and bickering" and ask for sanctions and compensation

Wednesday, 14 October 2015 pontifical mission societies  

Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of the Central African Republic have denounced "crimes and looting, destruction of places of worship and churches, such as acts of barbarism committed in our Country since September 25 in Bangui, in particular in the area of the 3rd and 5th arrondissement", in a statement sent to Agenzia Fides, addressed to "dear faithful, Christians and Muslims, to national and international partners and to men and women of good will".
"The PMS - continues the text - whose mission is to promote the Gospel and mutual understanding among peoples and cultures, wish to remind instigators and accomplices of these criminal acts that every person is sacred, created in the image and likeness of God, and no one has the right to terminate the life of another nor to plunder his goods".
According to the PMS "these actions deserve sanctions and compensation", but points out that in "our Country there is always talk of reconciliation but does not put the emphasis on sanctions, which is why disorder continues".
The statement also points out that "the foundation of the Word of God and all His life is love" and that "whatever storms batter our country, love will triumph".
After recalling the celebration, Sunday, October 18, 89th World Mission Day, the report concludes by calling for prayer for Pope Francis's visit in Bangui on 29 and 30 November. "Let us put an end to our quarrels and hostilities, and prepare ourselves, in the peace and serenity to accept the Messenger of God", the text concludes. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 14/10/2015)
