Guadalajara (Agenzia Fides) - Poverty and inequality in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCSE) primarily affects child population, since one out of seven children live in extreme poverty and is victim of discrimination and has a low level of education. According to the report "Cómo va la vida 2015", presented in the V World Forum of OCSE at Expo Guadalajara, child poverty exceeds that of the general population in most of the 34 Countries considered. Because of the global economic crisis, the child poverty rate has increased by two thirds and 10% of children live in families with unemployed parents. From an early age, says the statement sent to Fides, in Mexico children belonging to the poorest families live marginalized, grow in poor health, have no education and have suicidal tendencies. According to OCSE, the poverty rate among child population is 25.8%. In addition, 15% of Mexicans between 15 and 19 do not work or study. Child mortality rate in Mexico is 13.3%, the highest among the Countries of the organization. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 14/10/2015)