ASIA/IRAQ - Christians in Erbil protest against corruption, "our neighborhoods are being filled with infamous clubs"

Saturday, 10 October 2015 area crisis  

Erbil (Agenzia Fides) - Hundreds of Iraqi Christians, inhabitants of Ankawa, a suburb in Erbil, participated in a peaceful demonstration on Friday, October 9 to protest against corruption and degradation that are making everyday life in that area of the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan even more difficult, an area where Christian communities are concentrated. The protest march started from St. Joseph church, and crossed the streets of the suburb in order to meet a representative of the governor of Erbil, who was given a list with specific demands to be addressed to the local administrative authorities, for a speedy solution of the emergencies.
The protest of Christians in Ankawa was also triggered by the explosive growth of nightclubs and discos recorded in the suburb. Even places where prostitution is practiced have increased. "These infamous places" say local sources to Fides "are mainly full of Muslim Kurds from other areas of Erbil. In their neighborhoods alcohol is not sold, there is no nightlife, so they are turning Ankawa into their 'Las Vegas' ...".
The event, organized also thanks to the initiative of political formations who are active Christians and local civil society organizations, has called into question the corrupt officials who in the recent past have become accomplices of embezzlement and abuse against Christians, and has also expressed the protest of farmers and owners who have been expropriated of their land by the government, without receiving due compensation.
In the memorandum delivered to the representative of the Governor of Erbil, the organizers are asking city authorities to also shut down the infamous clubs which are open around churches and residential areas, to encourage public housing for young families in the area, and to recruit young people of the local communities in the police forces. "We do not need bars and discos, we need hospitals", read a banner displayed at the event, which appears in photos and videos of the event posted on website. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 10/10/2015)
