AFRICA/DR CONGO - Concern for the resignation of the President of the Independent Electoral Commission

Monday, 12 October 2015 elections  

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - The resignation of Father Apollinaire Malumalu as President of the Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) is raising questions in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is about to experience a busy electoral calendar.
The priest, who in 2013 received canonical sanctions by the Congolese Bishops' Conference for violating the provision prohibiting priests to actively participate in political parties and associations of political nature, as well as the management of state institutions, at all levels, in charge of organizing elections (see Fides 02/07/2013), has announced his resignation for health reasons.
According to information sent to Agenzia Fides, the opposition fears that with the resignation of Fr. Malumalu, outgoing President Kabila might influence the CENI (which should be a non-partisan body) through the first Vice President of the Commission.
In a statement sent to Fides, the Center for the Promotion of Peace, Democracy and Human Rights (CEPADHO) in North Kivu (in the east of the Country), expresses its concern that the resignation of Father Apollinaire could affect the election calendar. The CEPADHO invites "representatives of religious confessions of the DRC to hold an emergency meeting to appoint the successor of Fr. Apollinaire Malumalu as soon as possible". (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2015)
