AMERICA/NICARAGUA - The Church ready to mediate in the mine issue, "no one has to die for this"

Monday, 12 October 2015 politics   bishops   local churches  

Managua (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church is ready to mediate: said His Exc. Mgr. Silvio José Báez Ortega, O.C.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, referring to the clashes between workers of the Canadian mine B2Gold and the police, which caused the death of a person and 31 injured.
"I pray so that this tension in the country does not spread and increase - said Mgr. Baez after the Mass he celebrated in the parish of San Juan Bautista - because no one has to die for this. No doubt I am sure that the Bishops of Nicaragua are ready to intervene".
The note sent to Fides by Mgr. Baez reports that the Bishop deplores the fact that the problems in Nicaragua turn into violent clashes, intransigence and death. "I am deeply saddened by the death of a member of the National Police, he is a Nicaraguan, a brother, he is our brother who in no case had to die", he stressed, recalling that the Church is always for dialogue. For Mgr. Baez it is necessary to negotiate and find a fair solution for everyone. "In social conflicts we must always remember to work for the interest of the working class, the poor, the workers", he concluded.
In the town of Malpaisillo, 142 km northwest of the capital, where B2Gold manages the gold mine "El Limon", the climate of tension still persists, the highways are blocked by boulders and tree trunks, there is no food in stores. The director of the mining company B2Gold has asked the instigators of the protest to end their violent behavior, pointing out that the economic losses in these days amounts to approximately US $ 4.5 million, without counting the salary of eight hundred workers. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2015)
