AMERICA/BRAZIL - The Church: it is urgent to save abandoned children and adolescents who have disappeared

Saturday, 10 October 2015 human rights   slavery  

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - "Save the abandoned children and look into the disturbing phenomenon of missing teenagers" is the appeal launched by the Conference of Bishops of Brazil who officially opened the campaign "Let's save our children!", mobilizing all Catholic institutions, and reporting an issue that shakes the conscience. As Fides learns, the campaign was announced on the very day in which the international press published the indictment of the United Nations towards the Brazilian authorities by saying that "the police are killing children and teenagers to clean up the city", especially Rio de Janeiro, in view of the 2016 Games. The Church has embraced the initiative of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), which, along with other institutions that work in favor of children, aims to help clarify the cases of missing children.
According to the National Register of missing children and adolescents – says the statement sent to Fides by the Episcopal Conference of Brazil - there are currently 371 cases of missing children and adolescents between 4 and 15 years of age, 204 boys and 167 girls. And only four have been found. According to the CFM, there are more than 250 000 cases of missing children that are not reported in Brazil. One of the causes is human trafficking, 20 million victims worldwide. According to a study by the CFM in Brazil the main reason for the disappearance of children is violence. The campaign promotes different activities and the use of social media to inform, prevent and report cases. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/10/2015)
