ASIA/PHILIPPINES - A missionary: "The Italian Del Torchio kidnapped for money"

Thursday, 8 October 2015 kidnapping   armed groups   missionaries  

Zamboanaga (Agenzia Fides) - "The news is very vague and nothing is known about the perpetrators of the kidnapping of Rolando Del Torchio, today a restaurant owner and former missionary of PIME (Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions). Most likely he was kidnapped for money": says to Agenzia Fides Father Sebastiano D'Ambra, PIME missionary who for over thirty years has been living in the city of Zamboanga. The seizure took place yesterday evening. The man, 57, was kidnapped by armed men at his restaurant in the region of Zamboanga North.
"We are quite dismayed - the missionary said - because the area of Dipolog, where the kidnapping occurred, is not infested by groups and criminal gangs and is considered quite safe. But last week another kidnapping took place regarding three Western citizens and a Filipino on the island of Samal, another area considered a protected and safe. We do not know who is behind these kidnappings. The fact that kidnapping is a profitable business and is a plague that, at times, becomes more widespread and thriving. Now, according to some, in view of parliamentary elections, in May 2016, kidnappings are a way to increase political and social tensions".
Father D'Ambra, who knew Del Torchio, his former colleague, explained to Fides: "In most cases, the goal is ransom. Kidnapping a white person, a western, a European, provides greater visibility in the media, involves Western governments and thus gives the opportunity to get a greater amount of money". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/10/2015)
