AMERICA/MEXICO - Bible in Tzotzil language, completed the work desired by more than 350,000 faithful

Thursday, 8 October 2015 evangelization   missionary animation   local churches  

Chiapas (Agenzia Fides) – With a Mass in Tzotzil language, the completion of the translation of the Bible in Tzotzil language was celebrated in the indigenous community of Zinacantan, after 25 years of work in 59 communities in the municipality of Los Altos (Chiapas, Mexico).
His Exc. Mgr. Florencio Armando Colin Cruz, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Mexico and head of the Biblical Pastoral of the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM), said in the statement sent to Fides, that the revision of the texts will be completed today, October 8 , and in November will be presented to the Assembly of the Mexican Bishops for final approval. The Bishop highlighted that there is an increasing number of communities interested in the Bible translated in their local languages in order to better understand the Word of God.
The Mass, which was attended by over 500 faithful of the town of Zinacantan with their regional costumes, was celebrated yesterday, October 7, in Tzotzil language by the coadjutor Bishop of the diocese of San Cristobal de Las Casas, His Exc. Mgr. Enrique Diaz Diaz, in the sports ground of this municipality, since the church is too small for this kind of celebrations. The Mass, which lasted over two hours, was also attended by the Bishop of San Cristobal de Las Casas, His Exc. Mgr. Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel, and many missionaries. The celebration was marked by traditional dances and songs.
In January (see Fides 16/01/2015) the translation of the New Testament in Tzotzil language had been concluded. Tzotzil is a language spoken, in particular in the highlands of Chiapas, by the people of ethnic Tzotzil. According to the latest census (2005), about 350,000 people speak it. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 08/10/2015)
