AMERICA/NICARAGUA - The support of Cardinal Brenes: "Punish those who exploit the naivety of the poor"

Wednesday, 7 October 2015 local churches   poverty  

Managua (Agenzia Fides) - "The National Police must act and punish those who exploit the poor, exploiting the naivety of the population. We, as a Church, are working for the welfare and the faith of families, working for their salvation and their material security. Salvation is in Jesus Christ, and not in humans, therefore earthly justice must do its work": are the words of Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, Archbishop of Managua, reported on the government portal "El 19 digital".
According to the note sent to Fides from a local source, the Cardinal supports police operations towards a religious group, defined as a "sect" by the media, which is located 200 kilometers northwest of Managua, and is composed of about 600 people, including 330 children. All have sold their property in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, to obtain "salvation", according to a report of the Ministry of Nicaraguan Family, Youth and Children (Mifan). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 07/10/2015)
