ASIA/SYRIA - Bishop Abou Khazen: the choices of the West on the Syrian conflict continue to be inconsiderate

Tuesday, 29 September 2015 politics  

Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - The unilateral military initiative of France, which in recent days has begun air strikes against the bases of the Islamic State in Syria, is "another episode in the series of inconsiderate actions and choices made by the Western powers in the context of the conflicts that are killing people in the Middle East". This is the opinion expressed by Bishop Abou Khazen, Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo for the Catholics of Latin Rite, with regards to air raids in Syrian land ordered by the French government, justified with the intentions to attack the strongholds of jihadist terrorism.
"It is since the beginning of the war - says Bishop Abou Khazen to Agenzia Fides – that we are asking ourselves what really moves France in its choices. One thinks of the economic interests, but I do not know if this is enough to justify certain senseless and contradictory guidelines, as the choice of supporting the rebels, combined with the bombings of recent days, directed against the Islamic state that would never have assumed such force unless it had support and funding from the Countries of the area more aligned with the West".
In the last few days - adds the Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo – there seems to be a situation of peace in the Syrian martyred city: "Here all are happy because there is water and electricity works for at least two hours a day. The others bombard, and these people die, they have already lost everything and have nothing left to defend ... They talk about democracy and human rights: if nothing else, at least leave us the right to life". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 29/09/2015)
