AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Thousands of people find refuge in parishes

Tuesday, 29 September 2015 politics  

Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - Fides received updates on the situation in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic devastated by violence. Yesterday, 28 September, cars did not circulate, only a few rare motorcycles. Shops remained closed.
MINUSCA did not allow protesters to rebuild barricades and occupy squares. There was a "popular" demonstration in the city center, a short distance from the Presidential building. When the people reached the Presidential building they were dispersed by the gunfire of the MINUSCA contingent that safeguards the building; there were some deaths (some say three, some say 8) but MINUSCA officially denied having fired on the population. In the afternoon, the "anti-Balaka" attacked the Central Prison (the only prison in the Country, where about 600 people were detained, including some of their leaders) and managed to release all the prisoners.
Yesterday the Archbishop continued, throughout the day, to visit and bring comfort in hospitals and parishes where the people also sought refuge (at least 5,000 newly displaced, but some sources say 27,000!).
MINUSCA is gathering civilian foreign NGOs "in a safe place". The diplomats of the European Union failed to return to their homes but spent the night at the headquarters of the Delegation. There are reports of the attack and looting of the headquarters of "Mercy Corps" and "Medecins du Monde".
The Head of MINUSCA returned yesterday morning. The President left New York last night and is returning to the Country. There are rumors of the arrival of reinforcements in Bangui, both for the "anti-Balaka", and for the "seleka" militia. Tomorrow the opposition and the "anti-Balaka" have planned a big popular demonstration to support their demands. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 29/09/2015)
