AMERICA/CHILE - The Bishop of Punta Arenas denounces: There is no transparency in the agreements for gas

Tuesday, 29 September 2015 human rights   bishops  

Punta Arenas (Agenzia Fides) - Gas distribution in Chile is creating tension, which recently has also led to the interruption of the supply. The Union Workers of the Empresa Nacional del Petroleo (ENAP) and the Bishop of the Diocese of Punta Arenas, His Exc. Mgr. Miguel Bernardo Bastres Florence, S.D.B. have publicly called for transparency on the agreements that are being signed in these days between ENAP and the Canadian company Methanex, solely responsible for the distribution of gas in the country.
The note sent to Fides reports the complaint of the Bishop: "How did Enap come to an agreement with Methanex to sell gas when the price is not known? In Chile ENAP is a state owned company. Just after the problems we had with the gas, negotiations begin, made secretly, that are not transparent to the community. Some of our politicians justify this but I think it is unconscionable", reiterated Mgr. Bastres.
In past weeks different areas of Chile have had problems in the supply of gas caused by the company that distributes it to privates. Now, according to data collected by Fides, it seems that this company claims to pay for gas at a lower price compared to the international market, in order to ensure the national distribution. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 29/09/2015)
