AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Coup leaders retreat: the role of the king of the Mossi in the resolution of the crisis

Monday, 28 September 2015 politics  

Ouagadougou (Agenzia Fides) - "The crisis has almost been resolved", say sources of the Church of Burkina Faso to Agenzia Fides, where the coup leaders of the Régiment Sécurité Présidentielle (RSP), left the presidential building and allowed the President of the transition, Michel Kafando , to resume his functions (see Fides 23/09/2015).
"The Council of Ministers on 25 September decided to dissolve the RSP and the integration of its members in other departments of the national army," say our sources. Justice has nonetheless opened an investigation to determine the responsibility of the failed coup.
A key role in obtaining the agreement that allowed us to avoid bloodshed between the military coup and those who remained loyal to the institutions, goes to Mogho Naaba, the king of the Mossi, the main ethnic group of the Country.
"He is a traditional leader who has an important moral authority in Burkina Faso" explain Fides sources. "He stands above the political parties, but people listen to him and obey him. The capital, Ouagadougou, is part of his territory. If he says to the people to take to the street, they obey him immediately. His moral authority and his influence on the population mean that many politicians go to him for advice".
"Mogho Naaba asked everyone to avoid bloodshed and to forgive one another. Here you can get a sense of his mediation, which consists in seeking mutual forgiveness and together build the future", say our sources. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 28/09/2015)
