AMERICA/MEXICO - Mgr. Arizmendi on the events in Chiapas: "Yes to protest, but never with violence"

Monday, 28 September 2015 bishops   politics  

Chiapas (Agenzia Fides) - "I am very saddened and concerned about what is happening because of dissatisfaction regarding the results of the last election, because everyone wants a place of power in the municipalities": with these words His Exc. Mgr. Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel, Bishop of San Cristobal de Las Casas, commented the tragic events that took place in recent days.
According to information sent to Fides, a large group of more than 1,500 indigenous of 3 municipalities had organized a march to the state capital of Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, on Friday, September 25. They wanted to protest against the fraud in the last elections of July 19 and demand the release of three indigenous who were imprisoned unjustly. On Saturday 26 they were stopped by the police because they had blocked the San Cristóbal-Tuxtla Gutierrez highway. The clashes that followed caused the death of a policeman and wounded seven others.
Yesterday Mgr. Arizmendi Esquivel, after Sunday Mass said: "People have the right to fight for what they consider right, to demonstrate and demand. But never with violence, with sticks or stones, and even less with firearms".
"What is not acceptable in any way - emphasized Mgr. Arizmendi Esquivel - is violence, any kind of violence ... there is not only repressive violence, there is also offensive violence, and obviously violence causes more violence". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 28/09/2015)
