AMERICA/MEXICO - "No one can remain indifferent". A year ago, the massacre of 43 students in Iguala

Saturday, 26 September 2015 politics   human rights   local churches  

Guerrero (Agenzia Fides) - "No one can remain indifferent. The awareness of the greatness and dignity of each person must bring us to love, respect, promote and defend life in all its expressions and moments, and not to tolerate or encourage the culture of death". This is what the message of the Bishop of the diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, His Exc. Mgr. Salvador Rangel Mendoza, O.F.M. says. The message was sent to Fides by the Mexican Episcopal Conference, and published today September 26, one year after the tragedy in Iguala, the massacre of 43 students killed by drug traffickers with the complicity of local politicians in the Mexican state of Guerrero (see Fides 14/10/2014).
"Faced with this dramatic situation" writes Mgr. Rangel Mendoza "speeches are not enough, an effort is required from the competent authorities to clarify the facts and reach the truth".
Mgr. Rangel Mendoza says: "We must begin to examine ourselves before God and before our civic conscience, and ask ourselves what caused these deplorable and reprehensible events. Only in this way we will realize that the root cause is forgetfulness of dignity and the rights of every person".
The Bishop recommends everyone two things: prayer and work. "We ask God the gift of peace, and work for peace with concrete actions in favor of dialogue, truth, justice, reconciliation and respect for life, dignity and rights of all", the message reads, which ends with an appeal "not to give way to disorder and anarchy" and to build peace together with many "good and positive people" who live in the State of Guerrero. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 26/09/2015)
