ASIA/PAKISTAN - The Bishops: "No" to discrimination on the status of religious minorities

Friday, 25 September 2015 religious minorities  

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - Reversing the trend on discrimination against non-Muslims in government jobs: is what the "National Commission for Justice and Peace", within the Bishops' Conference of Pakistan ask for in a note sent to Fides, inviting the Prime Minister of Punjab to "review the employment policies in order to avoid discrimination based on faith at all levels and to guarantee all citizens equal employment opportunities".
The Commission recalls that "in Pakistan, a country where 97% of the people are Muslims, the non-Muslims have contributed in various ways to the nation in fields such as education, health care, defense, human rights, and other areas of development". Today, the text continues, "young people from non-Muslim communities are ready to compete in the field of public employment for highly skilled jobs".
The statement of the Commission comes after the "Department for the services and the administration of Punjab" notified that according to the existing law, a quota of 5% of employment in the public sector is for non-Muslims in order to ensure equity. "Unfortunately - notes the Commission - whenever a public employment sector reserves seats, it is only for the most menial jobs". An example is an ad announced on September 16, 2015 by the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, which reserves to non-Muslim workers only jobs for low-level health workers, who are responsible for cleaning.
The Commission recalls that "the government of Pakistan agreed to meet the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals which says every individual will be provided with work without any inequality" that therefore the country has to "overcome any religious discrimination". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 25/09/2015)
