ASIA/PAKISTAN - Five new Franciscan friars to bring the Gospel in the "land of the Taliban"

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - In an area marked by violence and intolerance and by those groups of "Pakistani Taliban" known for terrorist acts that target religious minorities, five new followers of St. Francis of Assisi will bring the proclamation of the Gospel.
We are talking about Capuchin friars Lazar Aslam, Adnan Kashif, Azam Saddique, Almas Yousaf and Adeel Mazhar who on September 18 made their solemn profession in the Church of St. Francis in Lahore. As reported to Agenzia Fides by Fr. Francis Nadeem OFM Cap, Provincial of the Capuchins in Pakistan, the ceremony was attended by priests, nuns and 200 lay people.
Fr. Mahboob Evarist OFM Cap, talking to the assembly in three different languages (Urdu, Punjabi and English) said: "It is a historic day: our five brothers take on the responsibility to serve the people of God, in chastity, obedience, poverty, with a life of prayer and fraternity". The entire Franciscan family in Pakistan, he continued, "is very happy to have five new brothers to serve the Church and to spread the Word of God".
The Franciscans in Pakistan are about 600 men and women, religious and laity. They live "the spirit of Assisi", synonym for meeting and reception towards every man, in a land where life for Christians is marked by discrimination and suffering. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 24/09/2015)
