ASIA/PAKISTAN - Violence against a Christian family to steal the house and land

Monday, 21 September 2015

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - A Christian family risked being burned alive due to the attack of a group of Muslims who wanted to steal their home and their land. As reported to Fides by Christian lawyer Sardar Mushtaq Gill, the house was reduced to ashes after the attack carried out by the Muslims, which took place on September 10, but the occupants were able to escape, and managed to save their lives.
The reason, explains Gill, is to be found in the phenomenon of "land grabbing", where the weakest and most vulnerable, such as Christians are deprived of their belongings with violence, in a completely illegal manner.
The victim, the Christian Boota Masih, 38, said: "Despite the presence of eyewitnesses, the local police were reluctant to register a formal complaint". Masih, a fruit shop keeper, and his wife, a school teacher, reported the attack. Due to Boota’s refusal to leave the house, the Muslims started beating him and then sprayed petrol to set fire to the house, locking Boota and his family in a room. The Christians managed to escape by breaking a window and fled. "Other local Christians came to save us, calling the police and fire departments", he said. Masih had purchased the house from Ghulam's Muslim family, who inexplicably claimed ownership.
In a note sent to Fides, Gill "strongly condemns these acts of violence that create fear and insecurity among Christians" and calls on the authorities "to take measures to enforce the law and punish the guilty". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 21/09/2015)
